
For every dollar you spend on health care, the actual practitioner gets only a taste. The system of "administration" gets a good chunk just for shuffling paperwork. And if you really get sick, this system of Health "Care" will drop your coverage so fast you won't know what hit you.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

minute clinic at CVS pharmacy... the 99 cent model begins

minute clinic health care

It's just basic screening and prevention at affordable rates. Seems simple enough.

They accept most insurance. If the procedure you desire isn't covered by your plan you just pay with cash/credit card. But if your insurance doesn't cover these simple things, you gotta ask yourself: "Why exactly am I footing a monthly bill for health care that doesn't cover my health care?"

A fully transparent rate card reveals their list of services. The easy things at the low-risk and low-end.

I clicked around the site and under the basic Health Screening (for heart disease, diabetes and stroke) I found this:
"Service available in all states except: Maryland, Massachusetts, Nevada, New York and Pennsylvania."
Why, because 66 bucks is too low to charge? What? I don't understand.

The $30 Hypertension screening not available in Massachusetts. Again... why? There are a lot of sausage-chomping angry dudes there; they could use some help.

Not a new idea. It's a growth market: Med-Basics is in the game. Wal-Mart contracts various regional health care companies. Rite-Aid in California has Lindora for Weight Loss and Wellness services. Walgreens has Take Care Clinic .

Everyone and their Mom is doing it.

  UPDATE - July 30, 2009 :
Took my girlfriend to a Minute Clinic today to see about her chronic allergies.

1 comment:

  1. Three days after the $62 visit and trying the $30 flonase generic, I went back on $14 (later found at Echo Drugs for $11) homeopathic. works better, no side effects. I just need to stay on it for it to work.
